Reader on underlying theories
Contingency theory
Learning curve/first-mover advantage
Evolutionary theory of a firm
Resource-based view
Dynamic Capabilities
Generic Strategies
Strategic responses
Implementing strategy
Contingency theory
Child, J. 1997. Strategic Choice in the Analysis of Action, Structure, Organizations and Environment: Retrospect and Prospect. Organization Studies, 18(1): 43-76.
Donaldson, L. 2001. The contingency theory of organizations. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications.
Khandwalla, P. N. 1977. The design of organizations. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.978-0155173675
Lawrence, P. R., & Lorsch, J. W. 1967. Organization and environment; managing differentiation and integration. Boston,: Division of Research, Graduate School of Business Administration, Harvard University.
Pennings, J. M. 1975. Relevance of Structural-Contingency Model for Organizational-Effectiveness. Administrative Science Quarterly, 20(3): 393-410. (open access version)
Learning curve/first-mover advantage
Day, G and D Montgomery (1982) “Diagnosing the Experience Curve,” Journal of Marketing, 47, Spring, 44–58 (open access version)
Devinney, T (1987) “Entry and Learning,” Management Science, 33, 6, 706–724 (open access version)
Golder, P and G Tellis (1993) “Pioneer Advantage: Marketing Logic or Marketing Legend?” Journal of Marketing Research, 30, 2, 158–171 (open access version)
Lieberman, M B (1987) “The Learning Curve, Diffusion and Competitive Strategy,” Strategic Management Journal, 8, 5, Sept–Oct, P441–452 (open access version)
Robinson, W, Fornell, C and M Sullivan (1992) “Are Market Pioneers Intrinsically Stronger than Later Entrants,” Strategic Management Journal, 13, 609–624.
Evolutionary theory of a firm
Kogut B and U Zander (1993), Knowledge of the Firm and the Evolutionary Theory of the Multinational Corporation, Journal of International Business Studies, 24 (4), 625–45 (open access version)
Levinthal, D. 1992. Surviving Schumpeterian Environments: An Evolutionary Perspective. Industrial and Corporate Change, 1(3): 427-443.
Montgomery, C (ed.) (1995) Resource–Based and Evolutionary Theories of the Firm: Towards a Synthesis, Boston: Kluwer
Nelson, R R and S G Winter (1982) An Evolutionary Theory of Economic Change, Cambridge MA: Belknap Press
Sammut-Bonnici, T., & Wensley, R. 2002. Darwinism, probability and complexity: market-based organizational transformation and change explained through the theories of evolution. International Journal of Management Reviews, 4(3): 291-315.
Resource-based view
Barney, J. 1991. Firm Resources and Sustained Competitive Advantage. Journal of Management, 17(1): 99-120.
Lockett, A., Thompson, S., & Morgenstern, U. 2009. The development of the resource-based view of the firm: A critical appraisal. International Journal of Management Reviews, 11(1): 9-28.
Mahoney, J T and J R Pandian (1992) “The Resource–Based View Within the Conversation of Strategic Management,” Strategic Management Journal, 13, 363–380 (open access version)
Montgomery, C (ed.) (1995) Resource–Based and Evolutionary Theories of the Firm: Towards a Synthesis, Boston: Kluwer
Penrose, E. (1959) The Theory of the Growth of the Firm, New York: Wiley.
Prahalad, C.K. and G. Hamel (1990) “The Core Competence of the Corporation” Harvard Business Review, May–June, 79–91 (open access)
Wernerfelt, B (1984) “A Resource–Based View of the Firm,” Strategic Management Journal, 5, 171–180 (open access version)
Dynamic Capabilities
See also our post on the relevance of dynamic-capabilities theory for organizational future orientation
Ambrosini, V., & Bowman, C. 2009. What are dynamic capabilities and are they a useful construct in strategic management? International Journal of Management Reviews, 11(1): 29-49.
Eisenhardt, K. M., & Martin, J. A. 2000. Dynamic capabilities: What are they? Strategic Management Journal, 21(10-11): 1105-1121. (open access version)
Helfat, C. E. 2007. Dynamic capabilities : understanding strategic change in organizations. Malden, MA: Blackwell Pub.
King, A. A., & Tucci, C. L. 2002. Incumbent entry into new market niches: The role of experience and managerial choice in the creation of dynamic capabilities. Management Science, 48(2): 171-186. (open access version)
Salomo, S., Gemunden, H. G., & Leifer, R. 2007. Research on corporate radical innovation systems – A dynamic capabilities perspective: An introduction. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 24(1-2): 1-10.
Spender, J C (1996), “Making Knowledge the Basis of a Dynamic Theory of the Firm,” Strategic Management Journal. 17 (Winter Special Issue): 45–62 (open access)
Teece, D. J. 2009. Dynamic capabilities and strategic management : organizing for innovation and growth. Oxford ; New York: Oxford University Press.
Teece, D. J., Pisano, G., & Shuen, A. 1997. Dynamic capabilities and strategic management. Strategic Management Journal, 18(7): 509-533. (open access version)
See also our post on the relevance of the strategy-as-practice view for organizational future orientation
Bettis, R. A. 1991. Strategic Management and the Straightjacket: An Editorial Essay. Organization Science, 2(3): 315-319.
Chia, R., & Holt, R. 2006. Strategy as Practical Coping: A Heideggerian Perspective. Organization Studies, 27(5): 635-655.
Chia, R., & MacKay, B. 2007. Post-processual challenges for the emerging strategy-as-practice perspective: Discovering strategy in the logic of practice. Human Relations, 60(1): 217-242.
Jarzabkowski, P., & Paul Spee, A. 2009. Strategy-as-practice: A review and future directions for the field. International Journal of Management Reviews, 11(1): 69-95.
Johnson, G., Langley, A., Melin, L., & Whittington, R. 2007. Strategy as practice: research directions and resources. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Tripsas, M., & Gavetti, G. 2000. Capabilities, cognition, and inertia: evidence from digital imaging. Strategic Management Journal, 21(10-11): 1147-1161. (open access version)
Whittington, R. 2006. Completing the Practice Turn in Strategy Research. Organization Studies, 27(5): 613-634.
Whittington, R. 2007. Strategy Practice and Strategy Process: Family Differences and the Sociological Eye. Organization Studies, 28(10): 1575-1586.
Generic Strategies
Hill, C W L (1988) “Differentiation Versus Low Cost or Differentiation and Low Cost: A Contingency Framework,” Academy of Management Review, 13, 401–412
Karnani, A (1984) “Generic Competitive Strategies – An Analytical Approach,” Strategic Management Journal, 5, 367–380
Murray, A I (1988) “A Contingency View of Porter’s ‘Generic Strategies’,” Academy of Management Review, 13, 390–400
Oliva, T A, Day D L and I MacMillan (1988) “A Generic Model of Competitive Dynamics,” Academy of Management Review, 13, 374–389
Porter, M. (1996) “What is Strategy” Harvard Business Review, November–December, 61–80
Strategic responses
Camerer, C (1991) “Does Strategy Research Need Game Theory?” Strategic Management Journal, 12, 137–152
Ghemawat, P (1997) Games Businesses Play. Cambridge MA: MIT Press
Postrel, S (1991) “Burning Your Britches Behind You: Can Policy Scholars Bank on Game Theory?” Strategic Management Journal, 12, 153–155
Saloner, G (1991) “Modeling, Game Theory and Strategic Management,” Strategic Management Journal, 12, 119–36
Implementing strategy
Bourgeois, L J III and D R Brodwin (1984) “Strategic Implementation: Five Approaches to an Elusive Phenomenon,” Strategic Management Journal, 5, 241–264
Gupta, A K (1987) “SBU Strategies, Corporate–SBU Relations, and SBU Effectiveness in Strategy Implementation,” Academy of Management Journal, 30, 477–500
Mintzberg, H., & Ahlstrand, B. W. 2009. Strategy Safari – your complete guide through the wilds of strategic management. New York: Prentice Hall.