Launch of new journal “Futures & Foresight Science”

Wiley has responded to the growing interest in Foresight in both policy making and corporate management by launching the new journal Futures & Foresight Science. The journal is edited by George Wright of Strathclyde Business School. Futures & Foresight Science will … Continued
MSc Elective Future-Oriented Strategising Fall 2017

Participate in our MSc Elective on Future-Oriented Strategising. Registration period is May 1st-7th. How can companies actively create superior positions in markets of the future? What helps them to better see, understand, and act upon change? This course introduces you … Continued
Certificate Course on Strategic Foresight 2017

Participate in our MBA Elective on Strategic Foresight. We now offer the four-day seminar as a Certificate Course. This course qualifies you as a foresight practitioner and organizational change agent that designs and implements organizational systems that promote prospective strategizing and the exploration of new … Continued
Research Projects
IT Tools for Strategic Foresight Benchmarking

Together with the FH Upper Austria, we are currently conducting a study that aims to create a first market overview of IT tools for strategic foresight. The market is still very diverse and includes tools that originated from idea management, big data mining, … Continued
Corporate Foresight for Innovation Survey 2014

Today we would like you to invite you to our last round for our Corporate Foresight for Innovation survey, which we run as a collaborative project between the University of Groningen and Aarhus University. For the current survey we seek firms … Continued
Benchmark Study on Corporate Foresight 2006-2010

From 2006 to 2010 we conducted 20 case studies in 7 countries.The major first result from our first round of case studies is our “Maturity Model for the Future Orientation of a Firm” which has been published in a conference article and … Continued
Strategic Foresight Executive Education course portfolio 2018

We have expanded our Strategic Foresight Executive Education course portfolio to incorporate two new specialisation course. Registration is now open and we are looking forward to welcome you in Autumn 2018. Strategic Foresight (4-day course) 24-27 September 2018 in Aarhus … Continued
MSc Elective Future-Oriented Strategising Fall 2017

Participate in our MSc Elective on Future-Oriented Strategising. Registration period is May 1st-7th. How can companies actively create superior positions in markets of the future? What helps them to better see, understand, and act upon change? This course introduces you … Continued
Certificate Course on Strategic Foresight 2017

Participate in our MBA Elective on Strategic Foresight. We now offer the four-day seminar as a Certificate Course. This course qualifies you as a foresight practitioner and organizational change agent that designs and implements organizational systems that promote prospective strategizing and the exploration of new … Continued
Calls for papers
Call For Papers: Big Data, AI, and Futures Studies
Call for Papers | Special Themed Issue of the World Futures Review: Big Data, AI, and Futures Studies | Submission deadline (Abstracts): Jun 1, 2019
Call for Papers: TEMSCON 2019

Conference | TEMSCON 2019: Leading Innovation in Times of Constant Change | Submission deadline (Abstracts): Feb 28, 2019
Call for Papers: Scenario Planning and Foresight 2018

Conference | Scenario Planning and Foresight 2018: Advancing Theory and Improving Practice | Submission deadline (Abstracts): October 31, 2018
IntelliSummit 2019
Conference | Creating Competitive Advantages in a Complex Future |Stockholm, Sweden | 10-12 April 2019
AI-Enabled Tech Foresight Summit

Conference | AI-Enabled Tech Foresight Summit | Berlin, Germany | 20 February 2019
4th Asia-Pacific Futurists Network Conference
Conference | 4th Asia-Pacific Futurists Network Conference | Bangkok, Thailand | 28-29 August 2018