At ISPIM Conference 2016 | Porto, Portugal | 19-22 June 2016
At the next ISPIM Conference 2016 in Porto, Portugal, 19-22 June 2016, we will organize a workshop on the impact of corporate foresight on corporate performance.
Today, most of our organizations are built with a focus on operating the current business. Only 3% of a top manager’s time is devoted to creating future perspectives, leading to myopia. For answering the questions how companies can build a future preparedness we have built a maturity model that we regularly use to assess and benchmark multinational companies and SMEs.
To succeed, companies need to become more vigilant, agile, and entrepreneurial. We highlight key practices that permit organizations to systematically build superior positions in markets of the future.
During the session, participants will learn how to identify and interpret changes in the environment and drive adequate actions to ensure long-term survival and success. We will discuss recent findings on the relationship between Corporate Foresight practices and corporate performance, measured with market capitalization growth and profitability. In addition we will share and discuss good practice examples.
To receive feedback on the systematic future preparedness of your organization you are invited to participate in our questionnaire. Anonymised results will be presented during the session!
Menes Kum – Manager at Monitor Deloitte Strategy and expert in the area of Corporate Foresight.
Tymen Jissink – Research Associate at Arhus
University with responsibility for the Corporate Foresight surveys.
- Intro to Corporate Foresight
- Benchmark results: Findings on corporate foresight and firm performance relationship
- Best Practices
- Wrap-Up/Close
Read ore on our research group and the facilitators: Strategic Foresight Research Network @Aarhus University