The Raise of Corporate Foresight?

Recently our paper “Corporate Foresight: Its Three Roles in Enhancing the Innovation Capacity of a Firm” has made it into the  Most Read list of the Technological Forecasting and Social Change journal. This listing came as a surprise to me … Continued

Disruption: What’s in a name?

One prominent theme in the field of organizational future orientation is the concept of disruptions. Generally understood as discontinuities in the external environment that shake up the marketplace and put incumbents at unease, the term particularly rose to prominence in the … Continued

How is foresight adding value to strategic planning

I have recently come across a nice blog article from Maree Conway, who addresses the topic of value creation of corporate foresight, which we have also discussed in the past. Maree concludes that there are 6 ways in which value … Continued

Adapting foresight practices to firm’s needs

In a recent article Patrick van der Duin and Erik den Hartigh present a convincing argument for the need to adapt corporate foresight practices to the firm that applies them. More specifically they look at how corporate foresight is integrated … Continued