From the 11-13 December 2013 the we will organize our first doctoral seminar on Strategic Foresight. Hosted by the Swinburne University of Technology and organized by the University of Aarhus the seminar provides a unique environment for advancing your PhD or doctoral research projects. You are welcome to participate with your early project plans or – if you are already well advanced – you can choose to present your full paper. You will receive feedback from the editors of the journals ‘Futures‘ and ‘Technological Forecasting and Social Change‘ and will have the chance to network internationally with other researchers.
- Per Dannemand Andersen, Professor, Danish Technical University
- Peter Hayward, Coordinator Master in Strategic Foresight, Swinburne University
- René Rohrbeck, Associate Professor, Aarhus University
- Joseph Voros, Senior Lecturer, Swinburne University
More details, the program and instructions click here. We are looking forward to see you in Melbourne!