Conference | Futures of a Complex World | Turku, Finland | 12-13 June 2017 | Submission deadline: 2 December 2016
Call for Papers
Share your findings, ideas, results and thoughts. We invite authors to present their work and submit abstracts for Papers, Poster and Performances on following (but not limited to) these themes:
- Complexity and systems thinking
- Resilient futures
- Futures of education, learning and work
- Futures of consumption and the economy
- Futures of democracy, society and values
- Technology foresight, an era of transformation, human and technology interaction
- Challenges and opportunities for global governance
- Methods and methodology of futures research
The conference program will consist of keynote lectures, concurrent sessions, participatory workshops, performances and social activities. The aim is to generate critical, multidisciplinary and stimulating discussions and promote networking between people from different backgrounds.
The conference is targeted to academics, authorities, policymakers and representatives from the governmental organisations and NGOs, students and all interested in futures research.
We look forward to seeing you in June 2017!
Print the Call for Papers (pdf)
Important dates
Deadline for the abstracts: 2 December 2016
Notification of acceptance: 16 December 2016
Abstract submission guidelines
The length of the abstract is 250 words.
Abstracts must be written in English.
Choose which theme or special session you would like to participate in.
Use the specific abstract form to write and submit your abstract: Abstract-form .doc
Traditional scientific presentations are most welcome, but we also encourage you to make proposals in innovative ways of presenting.
Abstracts can only be submitted via e-mail to
It is the author’s responsibility to submit a correct abstract. Any errors in spelling, grammar or scientific fact in the abstract text will be reproduced as typed by the author.
Abstracts will be reviewed and approved by the Scientific Board. This Board can either reject or accept your abstract, suggest minor changes or propose session other than you have suggested.
Accepted abstracts will be published in the conference book of abstracts.
Poster presentations carry the same status as verbal presentations and will be subject to the same selection process.